Accessibility Statement

FMS Cleans is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for all individuals, regardless of disabilities. We strive to provide a user-friendly website that complies with applicable accessibility standards and guidelines. Our goal is to make our website accessible and inclusive for everyone. We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of our site to meet the needs of all users.
Accessibility Features:

Alternative Text:
We aim to provide alternative text for all meaningful images on our website. This helps users who rely on screen readers or other assistive technologies to understand the content and context of the images.

Clear and Consistent Navigation:
We have designed our website with clear and consistent navigation, making it easier for users to find and access different sections and pages of our site.
Keyboard Accessibility:
Our website is designed to be easily navigable using a keyboard alone. Users who rely on keyboard navigation or have difficulty using a mouse can access all functionalities and features on our site.
Color Contrast:
We strive to maintain sufficient color contrast between text and background elements to ensure readability for users with visual impairments or color blindness.
Responsive Design:
Our website is made to respond to different screen sizes and devices and may be adjusted accordingly. This enhances the user experience for individuals who may use different devices or screen magnifiers.
Text Size and Readability:
We provide options for users to adjust the text size or use browser settings to customize the display to their preferred reading preferences.
Descriptive Link Text:
We use descriptive and meaningful link text that accurately describes the destination or purpose of the link. This helps users using assistive technologies to navigate our website efficiently.

Feedback and Assistance

We value your feedback and understand that we may have missed certain accessibility considerations. If you encounter any barriers or have suggestions for improving the accessibility of our website, we encourage you to contact us. Your feedback is essential in helping us enhance the accessibility and usability of our site.

Please be sure to include specific details about the issue you encountered, as well as any suggestions you may have. We will make every effort to address your concerns and accommodate your accessibility needs.
Contact Information :
If you require assistance or have any questions regarding the accessibility of our website, please contact us. We ask that you give us some time to respond to your enquiry. We are committed to providing prompt and effective assistance to ensure equal access to our website for all individuals. Accessibility Standards: FMS Cleans strives to conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, a recognized international standard for website accessibility. While we aim to adhere to WCAG guidelines, we recognize that achieving full accessibility may be an ongoing process. We are dedicated to making continuous improvements to ensure the best possible accessibility experience for all users.